Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me OCD??? Uh...think again!

I've been accused of being OCD - meaning I have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In my case, its about neatness and being tidy! I know I've nagged my poor husband and son to death about this over the last so many years, and every time they said I was OCD, I strongly protested! But honestly, sometimes I wondered if I really was...?

Granted, I've eased up over the years - I pick my battles now. But all those years I wish I had known about Ursus Wehrli, then I would have told them a thing or two!!! Who you ask is Urus??? Ursus is this Swiss artist and comedian who makes OCD's like me look downright messy! UW is "deranged tidy". 

To give you an example here is what he did to his bowl of alphabet soup (which OK I'll admit, I have been tempted to do but never did). 

Now that's OCD folks! And as if that's not are some more examples....

He took a pine branch, broke it into sub-branches, and then separated and sorted the needles? (though it's kind of fascinating that the needle count on the two branch pairs are precisely equal.)

He was able to recruit a bunch of totally cooperative Swiss kids, moms, dads, grandparents to come to a local park to hang out, after which they were re-sorted by gender, age and size.
Bowl of fruit??? 
 There he goes again......
And this one of a beautiful starry night....obviously all done in his head, but still....

Me OCD? I think not!


Unknown said...

ha ha ha..loved this post!! Oo...i am glad i haven't reached that stage.

Sarmistha said...

Reminds me of the T.V show...'monk' :)

Srija Padmnanabhan (Chickoo) said...

Reminds me of a friend of mine, who cannot take even a spot of black on her cream floor tiles!

GB said...

LOL the starry sky. That's OCD! :)

Shanthi said...

Thank GOD! I was never an OCD like this :-).

My Dream Canvas said...

Wow, great post! That's some OCD :-)

Manju said...

Everyone says I have OCD and I thought, yes, I like to have/keep things tidy and in order, but OCD?? and now looking at this, definitely not!! thanks for the post :)

Sreelu said...

ok I though I was border line OCD, but after looking at your post I come no where close, boy this guy must have too much time on his hand lol :)

Sruthi said...

LOL...that sure is OCD!

Richa said...

that alphabet soup is total ocd!! :) i ave a different problem.. i am not neat at all.. but i like symmetry.. in pictures or way things are presented.. so am struggling to apply the artsy and non symmetrical composition food photography rules!

Sound Horn Please said...


Designwali said...

hahaha...cute post!

krithika said...

I feel I have borderline OCD when it comes to neatness. Its frustrating sometimes especially when other people in the house don't cooperate. Good to know that there are other people sailing in the same boat :)

A Sunny Yellow Window said...

Oh my! The bowl of fruits instance is simply OCD.. I would've just eaten it like many others I guess, lol :)

Anonymous said...

Great (funny) post. Yep, I have been accused of being type A. I tell them that it's all relative and any one would be accused of OCD/Type A for neatness/organization if they had to live with the ones I do LOL! I still love my family but I do get frustrated that things get misplaced or things never get organized for years unless I get to it!

A room with a view said...

Each one better (or worse)..put a smile on my face :)

Iniyaal said...

Oh my! :-) This is OCD, and every other OCD fades in comparison with UW! I never even dreamt that anyone would think of tidying up the night sky!

Vaishali said...

:) I am always on Desi about his OCD behavior-- he's not as much into the neat and clean aspect(which I could use and welcome!) but annoyingly particular about certain things being done a certain way. Great post.