Thursday, October 6, 2011

Design theory in food!

Am guest blogging on Richa's blog today! Am so excited cos I actually get to blog on a seriously great food blog!

Have you heard of Washoku?

Did you ever look at the food on your plate and think how fantastic it would be to design a room around the colors on your plate? Or vice versa...have you ever looked at a bowl of creamy chocolatey Tiramisu and think how lovely a room would be in the same shades of cream, brown and espresso???

Well, think no more....go check out my guest post and tell me if you think I have finally gone off the deep design end here....

1 comment:

Iniyaal said...

I headed straight to your guest blog, curious o learn more about Washoku. It is a brilliant post.. Surprised to see how food can inspire home decor.