"I think that the photo itself contains the rightest style possible to make it appreciate. There is a challenge that attracts me more than others, and it consists in finding out the most suitable style or making adjustments to make a photo communicate a precise moment, an emotion or, more simply, to highlight a particular element not always easy to be caught." ~Andrea Costa
Thanks to Sharon at The Key Bunch, here is a link to Andrea Costa's Facebook page! And here is his blog!
Kamini, I have seen AC's work before. A cousin of mineis a huge fan, and when he showed me some of his work, I loved them too!
and...if we are talking of the same Andrea Costa, I believe he is male. Here's the fb fan page my cousin is on.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Costa-Photography/129702643721004
i have tagged you on my blog join in the versatile blogger party!!
Oh, these are absolutely wonderful pics.. thanks for sharing Kamini!
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